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How does the smart Fingerprint lock work?
Publisher:admin Add time:2018/5/20 Viewed:521
In recent years, with the popularity and application of fingerprint lock, fingerprint lock has gradually entered ordinary people's homes, but for some consumers who have not used it, there may be such a question, with fingerprint lock home really more convenient and safe? Here to introduce it to you: Working principle of smart fingerprint lock:  
The first step is to establish a fingerprint database: after the smart fingerprint lock is installed, it is necessary to input the administrator's fingerprint data to the smart fingerprint lock and identify the identity of the lock administrator. Other people must be authorized by the administrator to input the fingerprint information of their family members and establish the fingerprint information database.  
Step 2: Receive and input fingerprint data: When the user presses the fingerprint lock sensor module with his finger, the fingerprint sensor will immediately transform the fingerprint pressure sensor into photoelectric information, and compare the obtained information with the information in the fingerprint database by lightning.      
The third step is to judge and screen the information: when the conducted information is correctly compared with the information in the fingerprint database, the system determines that the fingerprint is the owner's fingerprint, and sends the processing result to the door lock and voice prompt unit through the power control box to unlock the door. Otherwise, the voice prompt fingerprint is not input, and will not open the door, at this point, the fingerprint lock workflow ends.  
The working principle of intelligent fingerprint lock is shared today. Intelligent fingerprint lock is an intelligent lock which uses human fingerprint as the identification carrier and means. It is the perfect crystallization of computer information technology, electronic technology, mechanical technology and modern hardware technology. We need to understand how it works when we use it to manage it.