What should I pay attention to when buying a smart Fingerprint lock?
    Publisher:admin Add time:2017/12/15 Viewed:453
    I believe many friends also know that the intelligent fingerprint lock is the highest content of science and technology lock, it is the "fingerprint, password, magnetic card, mechanical key" four kinds of open technology set in one, is the leader of the latest generation of intelligent security system, can well meet all the security needs of users. Nowadays, safe and convenient home environment is required, and mechanical locks with low safety performance are obviously not in line with the needs of the development of The Times. But such a good lock, in the purchase also need to pay attention to, so what do you need to pay attention to?
    1. Security. After the smart fingerprint lock is installed, the function of the security door should not be affected, and the lock should not have obvious security risks.  
    2. Stability. Stability is one of the most important indicators of smart fingerprint lock, generally need more than one year of actual use will slowly stabilize, consumers in the purchase of the best to choose the main production of fingerprint lock manufacturers, such as Kaibel; Such enterprises generally have better production experience.
    3. Versatility. Should be applied to most of the domestic security door (in line with the 2008 version of the security door national standard), less modification. A good smart fingerprint lock should take no more than 30 minutes to install. Otherwise, it is difficult for users to install and maintain the lock themselves.
    4. Intelligence. Add, delete and other operations should be very simple, the user does not have to memorize too many passwords and codes. High-performance smart fingerprint locks should also be equipped with a video display system, so that users can operate more easily.  
    5. Function. On the one hand, to meet their own needs, on the other hand, is the diversity of intelligent fingerprint lock; A good enterprise often has no less than five high, middle and low fingerprint locks for users to choose from.
    6. Quality of service. Pre-sale and after-sales service is the key to choose smart fingerprint lock. Only the production quality of manufacturers is guaranteed, it is possible to let users with peace of mind; Only after the manufacturer is guaranteed, it is possible to solve the problem when someone can timely; Only the manufacturer quality and after-sales guarantee, it is possible to let users not be unable to open the door to be shut in the door, so the quality of service is very key.
    The above is to pay attention to the purchase of smart fingerprint lock, the development of smart fingerprint lock is mature, many families also choose to use smart fingerprint lock in home decoration; And anti-theft fingerprint lock is the first barrier against burglars, so it is very important to choose the smart fingerprint lock!  

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