This section describes the solutions to common fingerprint lock faults
    Publisher:admin Add time:2018/3/15 Viewed:589
      Nowadays, fingerprint lock has become a symbol of high quality of life, because fingerprint lock compared with other mechanical locks, combination locks, induction locks, it has the advantages of high security, non-replicability, strong memory, high portability, strong anti-theft; But in the process of use, there will occasionally be some small faults, such as: the button does not respond, the light is not on, or the fingerprint can not login unlock and so on, so how should we solve it?
    Solution: Please delete an administrator before logging in.
    2. The LCD screen is not displayed or the display is wrong.
    Solution :(1) check the power supply and connection of each part; (2) Contact the technical personnel of the manufacturer.
    Solution: Turn off the power supply, turn off the battery switch, and then power on the system again.
    Solution: finger placement position is not standard, finger placed too late or the outside light is too strong, according to the procedure to re-operate.
    5. Cannot communicate with PC
    Solution :(1) please check the serial port Settings of the PC and the address Settings of the attendance machine; (2) Check whether the communication line is unblocked.
    Solution: this fault, the vast majority is because the fingerprint lock is out of power, so remember, fingerprint lock in the low voltage alarm, hurriedly change the new battery, don't wait until the battery runs out of that moment; Generally, a battery change can last more than a year.
    (1) Please log in another finger fingerprint. Choose to use good quality fingers (less wrinkles, no skin, clear fingerprints);
    (2) try to make the finger contact with a larger area of the acquisition instrument, try to flatten the finger;
    (3) If your finger is too dry to be detected by the scanner, you can wipe your forehead with your finger first;
    (4) Clean the fingerprint collection window;
    (5) Log in as a password user.
    The above is the solution to the common fault of fingerprint lock, if the fingerprint is brushed, the light is green, or can not open the door; That is the installation of the problem, so, after installing the fingerprint lock, must be crazy, many times to try, no problem to determine the installation oh.  

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