How long does the smart fingerprint lock last, and what happens when it runs out?
    Publisher:admin Add time:2018/12/16 Viewed:226
      With the increasing of the modern intelligent household intelligent, security awareness stronger family started installing intelligent fingerprint lock, relative to the everyday use of traditional door lock, intelligent fingerprint lock Ann was higher, so after began to appear very popular, especially in some apartments, hotels and other places, the contractor is willing to spend money on the smart locks. However, if the fingerprint lock runs out of power, do you know how to fix it? Here is a brief introduction: &NBsp;
      How long does the smart fingerprint lock last
    1. At present, some smart locks on the market are powered by batteries. The power supply standard is 6V.
    2. Use no. 5 dry battery for power supply for fingerprint lock. Under normal circumstances, 4 no. 5 batteries can be used for more than 8 months. Eight batteries can last 16 months or more.      
    Smart fingerprint lock is out of power
    1. If the battery is really out of power, we should replace the battery in time at this time;  
    2. In addition, if the fingerprint lock is out of power under normal circumstances, the voice will prompt you in advance. If you forget to replace the battery, you can go to the supermarket to buy a 9V battery. , the positive and negative poles aligned on the external power supply, (about two seconds) after the charge can be normal fingerprint unlock.  
    3, fingerprint lock generally has emergency power function, users can find, some are in the mechanical keyhole, more are under the lock, some are USB port, some are two contacts. Some fingerprint password lock has a battery box on the back of the direct open, the four no. 5 alkaline battery according to the positive and negative correct into the battery box, the power is "drip" sound prompt, and then the fingerprint lock can normally open the door.   The above is the introduction of how long the power of the smart fingerprint lock can last and how to do when the power is out. The understanding of these matters can provide better guarantee for the use of the product, and I hope to help you.  

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