Hotel lock plays an important role in hotel management
    Publisher:admin Add time:2020/5/24 Viewed:203
    With the development trend of the period, the transport tool is more and more developed, the fluidity of the staff has soared as a result, as everyone rest of the post, the hotel staff turnover rate is immeasurable, how to carry out a reasonable management method for such a huge group? At the moment, the occurrence of hotel lock to promote the convenience of hotel management methods.
    Hotel lock
    Hotel lock is electronically controlled lock in one of the product series, it is not the same as the household intelligent lock has requirements, household intelligent lock provides a variety of door opening methods coexist, and the hotel door lock must only be a single or less door opening method, which is beneficial to the completion of the hotel management method. Hotel lock from the beginning of the mechanical password lock development trend to the present electronically controlled lock, and then by the integration of electronic door lock and hotel management methods, the hotel system software Internet, promote the convenience of information management has a very large level of improvement.
    Type of hotel lock
    1, single hotel lock
    Single hotel lock does not lock can call on the actual meaning of real intelligence, because it is in the actual operation of the whole all locked, do not have characteristics of "intelligent", just cancel the key mechanical equipment, to open a credit card door lock, application of this kind of lock to save the hotel's management costs, contains key and lock's own cost.
    2. Authentic hotel lock
    The genuine hotel lock was created in accordance with the requirements of the Internet of Things technology era. The original hotel lock plans to install a single small and medium-sized web server, for local area network to open card, apply cloud is empowered to remote control, the actual operation more diversified, and supporting facilities gateway IP extend more immediate management method, no card withdrawn immediately open check-out process management authority, further improve the convenience of management method.
    Hotel door lock intelligent management system
    Hotel locks intelligent management system application of the modern electronic information technology, information technology, intelligent recognition, sophisticated machinery and equipment, automatic control system, such as technical, create a set of scientific research, fast and convenient, safety, smooth hotel rooms intelligent management system, with household intelligent lock system software and household furniture situation is different, Hotel door lock intelligent management system is more focused on the information management of moving in customers, all kinds of moving in and out of the information content is clear at a glance, showing the characteristics of convenient and fast management methods.
    Sales market with a variety of hotel locks, flowers bloom, but in the quality the good and bad are intermingled, most hotels in situations where an auction is the rules written in the book of tender, but still there are a lot of people is the key consideration to the target with low price, some of the OEM manufacturers at cheap price bidding, but show me the hotel lock usually can produce all kinds of problems, Even the same batch of locks cannot ensure uniform quality.
    As everybody knows, a hotel reviews the advantages and disadvantages of the key is reflected in the user experience, in order to give customers more comfortable and personalized services, in the hotel lock on the selection of your hotel's boss is smooth or choose quality best, user evaluation to ensure that the famous brands in the choose and buy, it can be better able to ensure that the service level, Improve customer experience.

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