What are the advantages of smart locks? Why smart locks?
    Publisher:admin Add time:2020/12/11 Viewed:204
    People always have a special liking to the high-tech product that has magical magic power, habit walks in tide front edge, to the appearance of the product and science and technology feeling is having natural fastidious and the requirement that is above one generation, heavy and cumbersome mechanical lock apparently has been far from satisfying their demand. The elderly often forget to take the key when they go out, and they do not like to bring trouble to the children who are busy at work. Every time they call the lock picker, they need dozens or even hundreds of yuan. As time goes by, it is better to change the intelligent door lock to be safe and secure.
    What are the advantages of smart locks?
    1. You're born with a "portal" attribute
    As a door lock, intelligent lock has the physical properties of "portal" and "entrance" naturally, without artificial intervention or concept promotion, and there is no obstacle in cognition.
    2. Strong user demand
    Smart lock is a combination of smart device door lock, and door lock is an absolute demand product. Secondly, intelligent door lock is by no means the common "for intelligent and intelligent equipment", I believe that we have not taken the key, and intelligent lock will not appear this problem, and fingerprint and alarm functions will further enhance security.
    3. Flexible use
    Intelligent lock "intelligent" features subvert the traditional lock "a key with a lock" inherent concept, not only can let many people have access to the lock, but also can do remote unlock, authorized unlock, video dialogue and so on.
    4. Ease of use
    Smart locks are more convenient, especially for fingerprint recognition. It affects the use experience of the product and can be quickly and accurately identified.
    5. Quality, workmanship and maintenance
    As an electronic product, intelligent locks are more complex and vulnerable to damage than traditional locks with purely mechanical structures. However, intelligent lock products have the workmanship and quality beyond the mechanical lock, and the failure rate of mechanical lock is similar to or even lower. At the same time, the maintenance and after-sales service are excellent.
    The rise of intelligent lock is the progress of technology, but also the derivation of the current environment and demand! Rixiang smart lock brings you a different high-end life experience!

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