Smart anti-theft door lock trend, you still watching?
    Publisher:admin Add time:2021/5/10 Viewed:464
    The heat wave of smart home products is constantly coming, and the intelligent anti-theft door lock, as an important part of smart home, has developed rapidly in this wave. It is understood that at present in the home market, the demand for intelligent anti-theft door locks is growing year by year, and the market is gradually expanding.
    Property district standard with intelligent anti-theft door lock has become a trend, in today's technology, intelligent anti-theft door lock seems to be more in line with the needs of the development of The Times. And the traditional property management and security companies, can only play the most basic role of security inspection. If residents want to truly achieve a safe, convenient and intelligent living life, developers need to provide them with more intelligent technology products.
    As the latest generation of intelligent security system "fingerprint lock" to meet all users' security needs.
    Fingerprint door lock is the use of human biometric fingerprint identity security identification, with irreplaceable, cannot copy and unique characteristics, it uses high-tech digital image processing, biometric identification and DSP algorithm and other technologies, is in line with the modern security requirements of the new generation of access control system.
    In developed countries in Europe and the United States, the penetration rate of intelligent anti-theft door locks is very high, not only widely used in business and office buildings and other fields, but also into the family life of ordinary people. According to statistics, in Europe and the United States and other developed countries, intelligent anti-theft door lock accounts for 50% of the civilian lock market. In neighboring countries such as Japan and South Korea, smart locks account for more than 65% of the civilian lock market, especially in South Korea, where the utilization rate of smart anti-theft locks in apartments is as high as 90%.
    Fingerprint lock is favored by many home users abroad, in addition to fingerprint lock itself advanced technology, more important is that he has changed the user's family life style. Using fingerprint lock, security access control system becomes more secure, intelligent and convenient, which greatly improves the security of the access control system of residents, and gives them a more pleasant intelligent life experience. In the face of users' demand and love for intelligent life, more residential areas began to add "intelligent security system" in the building standards, in order to enhance users' recognition of the project and residential turnover.
    In the smart home increasingly popular today, the development of fingerprint lock has been "unstoppable" gradually become the leader of anti-theft door lock. Its safety and convenience well meet the needs of consumers, I believe in the near future will become more and more families of choice!

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